Back to Blogging: Why Instagram Isn’t Enough
Hello Friends. I haven’t shared on my blog consistently for a long time because (more…)
Hello Friends. I haven’t shared on my blog consistently for a long time because (more…)
We have been so busy lately doing adoption paperwork and fundraising that I have gotten very behind on blogging and on our YouTube channel. Today I am going to attempt to catch up. (more…)
As a part of their homeschooling education, the girls and I planted an organic herb and vegetable garden. Join us as we give you a tour of our daughter’s hard work, vlog style. (more…)
I was chatting with my friend Johanna today about how downsizing from a big house with plenty of storage to a small farmhouse with hardly any storage has been wonderful for us. Yes you read that right, wonderful! It can be so freeing to let go of quantity for quality, to simplify your life, and cherish what God has blessed you with. (more…)
What a special day, the day that heaven came down … (more…)
Here at the farm we are still waiting for snow. The pleasant weather seems odd for December in Kansas, but once inside the farmhouse you will find, “it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas“… (more…)