My Little Pony {An Answered Prayer and a DIY Dress Makeover}
Camdyn has been praying for a pony for a long time, so we feel very blessed to share this—the story of how God has answered her prayer with the perfect fuzzy friend. (more…)
Camdyn has been praying for a pony for a long time, so we feel very blessed to share this—the story of how God has answered her prayer with the perfect fuzzy friend. (more…)
We have been hard at work on our little farm. (more…)
When people ask me if we have a kitchen yet, it’s hard for me to explain why the answer is still no. It’s not as simple as it might seem. When you are on a budget and trying to fit working on your house into an already busy life, it can be a bit heartbreaking to realize how long it will truly take. We have made some progress though, so we wanted to share an update on how Bryarton Farm is Comin’ Along… (more…)
You don’t have to actually live in a farmhouse to add farmhouse style to your home. I think the home-spun farm look has become popular lately because of the nostalgia attached to living the simple life in the country. No matter where you live or what your budget, you can inject a bit of farmhouse style into your home. Here are a few keys ingredients for farmhouse styling from Bryarton Farm… (more…)
It is cold and brown on our little farm. Knowing that spring is still several months away makes working and playing indoors seem like a prison sentence, especially to our girls. We talk of our plans and dream of spring to help the time pass more quickly. However, there was a bit of sunshine today, so the girls and I put on our coats and when for a walk. (more…)