Creating a Studio & Classroom at the Farmhouse {A Little Space for Big Things}

Creating a Studio & Classroom at the Farmhouse {A Little Space for Big Things}

I knew being a Mom would be demanding, but no one can truly prepare you for the experience. I definitely have more appreciation for my mother now that I have my own children, but more than that I feel my eyes are beginning to open to appreciate new sides of motherhood. New perspectives on what is possible, rather than what is expected. What a freeing concept to realize that there isn’t only one road to travel… (more…)

A Tiny Farmhouse Tour

A Tiny Farmhouse Tour

In the midst of our own farmhouse restoration, there has been another much smaller farmhouse restoration going on in the nursery. This week I wanted to give you a tour of the girls’ dollhouse that we have been fixing up together. (more…)