by Michael Floyd | Dec 30, 2014 | Uncategorized
Our site is in the process of being updated to a new look. So you will randomly see things out of place and looking odd for a bit. Kinda like our house. Hopefully the new look will be ready sooner than our home, though.
Thanks for your support and understanding.
by Sara Jo Floyd | Dec 22, 2014 | Farm Life
I wish we could send a Christmas card to (more…)
by Sara Jo Floyd | Dec 15, 2014 | Art and Design
Last week we shared a Christmas tour of Bryarton Cottage in Georgia. Today we are going to show you what Bryarton Farm here in Kansas looks like all dressed up for Christmas. (more…)
by Sara Jo Floyd | Dec 13, 2014 | Art and Design
Now that we have a new little member of the family on the way, I realized that if I wanted all of our stockings to coordinate with my farmhouse decor and each other, I would need new stockings. Michael and I wanted to share how we created these one-of-a-kind rustic-style stockings using only things we had lying around the farmhouse. (more…)
by Sara Jo Floyd | Dec 7, 2014 | Art and Design
This Bryarton Cottage Tour is full of thrifty Christmas decor ideas. I wanted to share the warmth of our cozy Victorian cottage in Georgia, where we lived last Christmas. Join us in decorating for the birthday celebration of the Savior through creative vignettes that will inspire.